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10 Tips to stay on Protocol for Easter


10 tips to help you make it through Easter without cheating,

Events like Easter and other Holidays are a great time to load so if you were patient and waited LET THE LOADING BEGIN!!!!!

If you were so eager to start your weight loss journey that you jumped the gun and started already then you have some things to plan to be able to stay on track and not sabotage your whole round.

1, Know you will be tempted!

It is important to be honest with yourself and know that you will be tempted to cheat. You most likely will be surrounded by well meaning people who will encourage you to just take 1 day of from your diet and live a little. BUT, chances are these are the very voices you have been living with that got you into a position of needing to lose weight. You need to prepare yourself for what you will say to these loved ones who want what is best for you but don't understand the protocol and that there are NO CHEAT DAYS ON hCG!!!!!

You can tell them that you are doing a cleanse or detox, you can tell them that you are on a weight loss plan and that you have your own food. Do whatever it takes to change the subject and get the focus off of you and your personal journey. Let's be honest most of the people we love and know us already know we are overweight and want to lose weight and should be happy for us that we are making an effort to do something about our weight. So plan ahead on what you will tell people you will be celebrating with.

2, Spend some time remembering your WHY,

Remember the reasons you are on this journey. Write them out and have them in front of your face to remind you what you are sacrificing for. To feel better, to be healthy, to live free of aches and pains caused by obesity.

3, Remember this is only 1 day out of your life.

You know what all of these foods taste like but do you know what healthy feels like? I am sure we all know what these Easter foods taste like, you really are not missing anything. These foods will still be around when you move to phase 3 and phase 4. This is your time to keep your commitment to you and you CAN get through thisone day without indulging your tongue for the sake of your healthy future.

4, Know what you will be eating.

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Have a plan, figure out exactly what you will be eating and if you are taking it with you or if you will be eating before you go. Try deviled eggs made with 1 whole egg and 3 egg whites mixed with mustard, pair this with one of your veggie choices or a nice big mixed lettuce salad with a P2 approved dressing. Whatever you choose be sure you KNOW exactly what you will be eating and when.

5, Prepare your planned meals ahead of time.

After you decide what you will be eating be sure to take the time to have it prepared before you go. Take it in a container so you can just heat it up. Knowing exactly what you will be eating and having it ready will help so much in sticking to your goal. You have to tell yourself that this is what you have to eat for the day and you will enjoy it and will be so proud of yourself tomorrow morning when you step on the scale.

6, Carry a Phase 2 approved beverage with you at all times.

This has been one of the most helpful things I have done during events. I will take Starbucks decaf Via packages and some stevia drops and have iced or hot coffee with me the whole time or I will take club soda with rootbeer and vanilla stevia or soda water and lime, something to keep my hands busy at all times.


Don't even try to be superhuman and go checking out all the food you cant eat. I know you want to be helpful and staying busy is a great way to stay away from eating so offer to set the table, play with the kids, chat in the living room. Do anything but prepare, handle or look at the food!

8, Stay home or in a safe environment for this Holiday.

If you know that you will not be able to go to an event and stay away from the food then come up with an excuse to excuse yourself from the event this year. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself and make a choice that is best for you. Your health is more important than what others will think.

9, Set up a safety net.

Have a battle buddy set up and on call for you to reach out to if you feel yourself being tempted. Talk to your partner, a trusted friend or family member, even someone from one of our support groups (see link below) ahead of time so you know they will be there for you in your time of need.

Have a plan in place where you can run away and make a call or text someone for help. Someone who can help you remember what your goals are and who will support your goals.

10, Make this social event about the social and not the food!

This is a great opportunity to do things different and create new habits in your new healthy journey. You know what it is like to make these events all about the food. Set your mind to make this event all about the people you will be spending time with. The food and your mindset have not served you well over the years. Try something new and spend the day sharing the experience with your loved ones. Soak in every moment of fellowship and really enjoy your holiday event.

I don't like even going here because I know some might use this as permission to cheat. REMEMBER THERE IS NO CHEATING ON THE hCG PROTOCOL!!!!!!!

BUT, If you do cheat know that there is no correction in phase 2 all you can do is learn from it, expect a gain and or stall that can lost up to a whole week. Drink a lot of water and try taking detox baths.

See my blog about cheating and how it ruins the reset process and does so much more than causes a stall or gain HERE .

Dont cheat yourself out of your time, money and resolve. Use these tips and go after your dreams of a slimmer, healthier self.

Be Blessed

In Health and Gratitude,

Helping women who have lost hope resurrect their dreams, restore their health and renew their minds so they can live comfortably and confidently in their own skin.

Join our hCG support group for motivation, support and phase 2 recipes HERE

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