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Time to treat my body better

Over the past few years, I have been spending my time learning to live with chronic illness. I have also been spending a lot of time enjoying my children and grandchildren. I have 2 new 2020 redhead grandbabies God blessed me with.

My diet had become an afterthought even though I was gaining weight. Healing and not dieting was my priority. This past year my eating has become very undisciplined. I have been eating horribly and my weight gain has been a major consequence but I am also dealing with fatigue, and body aches from poor-quality foods, and carrying around this extra weight. I have allowed sugar, fast food, and processed foods back into my life, mostly because I didn't have the strength or energy to deal with staying on track, meal prep, and cooking.

A few weeks ago I started planning to get back on track. I spent time praying about how I needed to proceed. I gave a real good look at doing a round of hCG and getting this weight off quickly but God had other plans and being obedient to His will is the most important thing in my life. As I prayed about making changes He asked me to trust Him and be patient so that is what I am doing.

He knows I needed a plan so we decided on me following a modified Phase 3 protocol. I printed off my Phase 3 Guide with sample meal plans, shopping lists, and recipes, I went through the sample meal plans and crossed off the recipes I knew I wouldn't like or that are too complicated for my limited energy. I went shopping and scheduled to start today Monday 2/1/21. I calculated my calories for weight loss and am starting at 1200 calories a day. This is a responsible amount of calories to lose weight.

Today I choose to treat my body with kindness and respect and only feed it real foods. It feels good to be back on a plan and working towards a healthier body.

I plan on documenting my journey here on my blog and I will share in the Facebook Groups. Today I made a couple of meal prep videos I will be sharing as well. I hope to have the energy and strength to continue making videos, I am still very challenged with my health, living with chronic illness.

Coconut Chia Pudding

Low Carb Granola Cereal

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

In Gratitude and Health

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